Migraine Kit
Roll-on Storage
Keep all Roll-ons stored secure and upright.
Need More?
Order the oils from Lavender Snow and refill your bottles as needed.
How do I use the Migraine kit?
Step 1:
Apply NO MORE PAIN Roll On and massage in to Artery Points on both wrists & both sides of neck.
Temple area and to both sides of the head.
Across the back of neck
Across the Top and the Back of the Shoulder area.
On the scalp, to above the Occipital Ridge which is the bony ridge across the back of the head above the neck.
Step 2:
Apply PURE PEPPERMINT ROLL ON to all of above areas repeating process. DO NOT apply the Peppermint Roll On near/on temples or near the eyes. Apply Peppermint Roll On to a finger to massage into the temples. Massage in a circular motion away from eye area.
Apply PEPPERMINT to "pinky finger tip" & touch just inside nose.